A way of saying thanks to the commitments of all kinds of catechists
A possibility for them to live an experience of faith and universal Church. Our catechists are much in search of their own faith and initiation (especially those in confirmation catechesis, who are the largest group), and work in difficult and at times demotivating circumstances.
A kind of small ‘World youth days’ for catechists: a founding experience (conversion, encouragement) for personal faith and Church commitment
Local pilgrimages facilitated: pilgrim’s book
Catechetical rearrangement of the Bull:
A jubilee year of mercy
God’s mercy in the Bible
Church in the service of God’s mercy
A year to celebrate God’s mercy
to receive mercy and become merciful
For conclusion
Practical informations
Publication by the Austrian Bishop‘s Conference: Catechumenate – Pastoral Orientations, including the following chapters:
Catechumenate in General
For People With Other Cultural Backgrounds
For Scholars
Guidelines: Catechumenate for Asylum seekers
There are goups of catechumens from Afghanistan and Iran
We are preparing and looking for means of communication in Farsi and Arabic language
A new image of God
We have the chance to discover a new face of God.
We see that many people are still afraid of God.
Sometimes people split «The God of Church» form «The God of Gospel».
We found instead «The God of Mercy» who kneels on our fragilities.
Sometimes catechumens come from great sufferings and have spiritual wounds…
God is a merciful father who gives mercy thank to communities that do what the Son has done.
A new face for the community
Testify and annouce the God of Mercy not only moral issues.
Luke 7:36-50. Simon and Jesus: two ways of looking at the woman.
Simone look at her past and thinks that she never can change; Jesus looks at her ability to love and calls her to conversion.
Communities must look to the catechumens through the eyes of Jesus to discover the traces of the merciful love of God working in them.
The Year of Mercy urges us to go out towards all and to thik of the adults as subjects and not just object of evangelizazion.
Present situation based on our yearly national conference
Strong points
Growing interest
Presence of priests
Groups to welcome the catechumens
involving priests, catechists and lay Christian believers
Weak points
Lack of trainings for priests, catechists, sponsors
Still focusing on children instead of adults
Lack of cooperation
Parallel groups
How to continue?
National level:
National strategy – national working team
Diocesean level:
Learning from and finding meeting points with evangelizing movements
Parish level
Standard appearance – logo, publicity
Leaflets, website, …
Yearly trainings, meetings for sponsors, catechists
Rite of election
Cooperation among neighbuoring parishes
Background Context.
Historical place/Role of the Church in Irish Society.
Social & Demographic Changes in Ireland.
Some results of inward migration.
The Education Situation
Society in General
Opportunities for RCIA
Place of Sacraments in Irish Culture
“Let the children come to me…” Lk. 18:16.
Obstacles to RCIA
Lack of Awareness/Preparedness/Appreciation
Walk for the new evangelisation
2nd time in 2015
All the stakeholders working in the field of evangelisation gathered together
Everyone has the opportunity to present what he is doing
The diversity of the church of Luxembourg in one place
Possibility to know what’s going on
Possibility to make a lot of contacts
Exchange platform
Common interest: evangelisation
Praying together for new evangelisation
The catechumens have on this day the possibility to have a bright and nearly complete view of what’s going on in the different movements of the catholic church in Luxembourg. And everyone can get in touch with other people, an they feel supported in the choice they have done, to follow Jesus.
Family rally “Octave”
Octave: pilgrimage to our lady of Luxembourg, Consolatrix Afflictorum
More than 350 years of history
Activity to combine history with an new way of evangelisation
Cultural Christians vs. New Evangelisation
Getting to know an old tradition of Luxembourg
History, development, ….
Octave today, for me?
Be part of it – having an active role
They are visible – after their baptism
They are welcomed
They are supported
En la Actualidad
70 diócesis españolas, de las cuales
25 tienen decreto de Catecumenado
19 tienen aprobación diocesana
Primera instauración de Catecumenado: 2002
Encuentro anual de delegados diocesanos de Catecumenado
Cada año se profundiza profundizando en una de las etapas siguiendo el RICA (Ritual de iniciación cristiana de adultos)
2016: “La mistagogia en el Catecumenado”
2015: “EL catecumenado y el Rito de elección”
2014: “El precatecumenado y en Rito de entrada en el Catecumenado”
2013: “La fe inicial en el proceso catecumenal"
Visión de conjunto del catecumenado de adultos no bautizados
L'année de miséricorde et le catéchuménat dans le Diocèse de Bâle / Suisse
Propositions pour tous :
Ouverture de l'année Sainte (beaucoup de migrants se sont joints à la messe
24 heures de prière (4-5 mars 2016)
Notre Evêque Felix Gmür a visité divers lieux de miséricorde tels que "Tous ensemble dans la dignité à Bâle"; le centre de requérant d'asile à Kreuzlingen; soupe populaire à Lucerne
Le thème des rencontre régulière pour les jeunes est : "Debout pour les réfugiés"
Dans le cadre du catéchuménat: nous pouvons dire que toujours plus de migrants demandent le baptême.
Suisse Romande
Nous faisons face à une augmentation des demandes de toutes sortes de pauvres (pas seulement pauvreté financière mais également des personnes ayant des difficultés psychologiques et/ou avec des difficultés à s'insérer dans la société, des requérants d'asile dans l'attente d'une reponse définitive, etc) L'accueil de ces demandes nous oblige à affronter la question de la miséricorde !
Nous proposons à/enjoignons nos candidats de suivre les activités liées à l'année de la Miséricorde proposées dans leurs paroisses
A Fribourg, ils "utilisent" la cathédrale (statues, vitraux) pour donner une catéchèse sur le Credo
A Lausanne, nous proposons une journée de ressourcement et découverte sur les pas de St-Maurice martyr et de ses compagnons pour aborder le sens de l'Église, avec catéchèse baptismale sur le baptistère du IVème siècle et visite de l'abbaye de Saint Maurice d'Agaune. Ou une journée à Genève pour aborder la symbolique dans l'architecture chrétienne (Église de la Ste-Trinité et Cathédrale St-Pierre). Ou une journée en monastère
A Genève, une journée pour les confirmands adolescents est organisée au travers de la ville, comme un jeu de piste, avec plusieurs postes, dont un est la rencontre avec notre Evêque, Charles Morerod. (en général 8 groupes de 50 pers.)
The Year of Mercy and the catechumenat in the Diocese of Basel/Switzerland
Opening of the Holy Year (many migrants joined the holy Mass)
24 hours of praying (4.-5.- march 2016).
Bishop Felix Gmür meets different locations of misericordia such as «All together in dignity in Basel»; Centre for asylum seekers in Kreuzlingen, soup kitchen in Luzern,
The theme of the regularly Meeting with the youth is: ‘Stand up for refugees‘
In behalf of the catechumenat we can say, there are more and more Migrants, who are asking for baptism.
Suisse Romande
We all face an increasing of requests from all kind of poverty (not only financially but also with psychological problems, socially disabled, refugees expecting their admission, etc…). The reception of this kind of request make us face directly the question of the mercy !
In the catechumenate, we do propose to our candidate to join the activities bound with the year of mercy offered by the parishes
In Fribourg, they "use" the cathedral (statues, stained-glass windows) to make a catechesis on the Creed
In Lausanne, we propose a kind of pilgrimage inthe path of the martyrs (St-Maurice and his companions) to talk around the meaning of the Ecclesia, with baptismal catechisis (in 4th C Baptistery and visit of the abbey of Saint Maurice d'Agaune Or a day in Geneva to reflect on the symbolic dimension of the christian architecture (St-Trinity Church and St Peter's cathedral) Or day in a monastery
In Geneva, a treasure hunt for confirmandi, leading to a meeting with Bishop Charles Morerod
Pour un art de vivre : une prise de conscience devenue urgente
(For a art of living: the awareness of an urgent necessity)
L’année de la Miséricorde rappelle à l’Eglise en France la nécessité de développer un art de vivre chrétien au sein des communautés. En l’an 2000, le cardinal Ratzinger avait ouvert le jubilé aux catéchistes en disant : « une grande partie de l’humanité d’aujourd’hui ne trouve plus, dans l’Evangile, c’est-à-dire une réponse convaincante à la question : comment vivre ? » Il s’agit que notre Eglise ne soit plus la gardienne d’un ordre menacé, voire disparu… mais qu’elle devienne un espace où s’invente un nouvel art de vivre à l’écoute de la Parole de Dieu. Aujourd’hui les diocèses sentent l’urgence de créer un climat d’accueil, d’écoute, de partage, d’aide, de bienveillance.
The year of Mercy reminds the Church in France of the necessity to develop a Christian art of living within the communities. In 2000, opening the jubilee to the catechists, Cardinal Ratzinger said: “Most of today’s mankind doesn’t find in the Gospel a convincing answer to the question: how must we live?” We are talking about the fact that our Church must no longer be the guardian of a threatened or even absent organization…but a center for a new way of living through the study of the Word of God. Today the dioceses feel the urgent need to create an environment where people are greeted warmly, listened to, and helped, and one in which they may share their experiences
Etre parole au sein de l’Eglise : un apprentissage qui nécessite une formation
(To be the Word of God in the Church : a learnig which needs a training ?)
Cette urgence fait sentir la nécessité de se fait sentir dans l’accueil des situations complexes. Il nous faut partager la conviction du cardinal Kasper : « L’Eglise ne peut pas proposer de solution qui serait à côté de la parole de Jésus ou contraire à celle-ci. Le caractère indissoluble du mariage sacramentel et l’impossibilité de conclure un deuxième mariage du vivant de l’autre partenaire sont une norme de la tradition de foi de l’Eglise qu’on ne peut abolir ou atténuer en se référant à une miséricorde facile. La miséricorde de Dieu est la fidélité de Dieu à lui-même et à son amour. Dans sa miséricorde, il est fidèle même si nous sommes infidèles. Miséricorde et fidélité vont ensemble. C’est pourquoi il ne peut pas y avoir de situation humaine qui serait absolument sans espoir et sans issue ». Le travail en diocèses ou en province porte cette année sur la manière d’être signe –pour les responsables diocésains ou paroissiaux comme pour les communautés- du lien indissociable entre fidélité et miséricorde. Et outre l’accueil, la bienveillance, apprendre à parler en Eglise –en dialogue avec les pasteurs- devient important.
As a matter of urgency, we feel the necessity to welcome the complicated situations. We must share Cardinal Kasper’s conviction: “The Church cannot propose any solution which would be [on the side or] against the Word of Jesus. The indissolubility of the sacramental marriage and the impossibility to get married to another person when the former partner is still alive are rules of the Church’s faith tradition which can’t be abolished or mitigated by referring to an easy mercy. The Mercy of God is God’s faithfulness to Himself and His own law. In His mercy He is faithful even if we are unfaithful. Mercy and faithfulness go together. That’s why there is no completely hopeless and desperate human situation.” This year, in the dioceses or in the apostolic provinces, we – the persons in charge in the dioceses and parishes and the communities – work on how to be signs of the inseparable link between faithfulness and mercy. It is also important to offer a warm and kind welcome, and to learn how to speak in the name of the Church and at the same time to take the priests into account.
Share of adult baptisms in the German (arch-) dioceses in the total of baptisms
The number of adult baptism candidates has decreased in recent years.
This development is accompanied by an increase of people leaving the Church and a decline in church members.
One can only speculate about the reasons. They are certainly related, among other things, to crises the Catholic Church has had to overcome in recent years.
In addition, there are debates and trends which, more generally, concern the relationship of the secular society to faith and religion.
What opportunities does the pastoral initiative offer to build up the Catechumenate?
In Germany are no catechumenal initiatives related to the Year of Mercy.
In light of our experience the Rite of Election presents a great opportunity to draw attention to the catechumenate.
Celebrating the catechumenal liturgies is one of the most effective ways to built up the Catechumenate.
The Bigger Picture
Catechists Conference to develop sharing of ideas on themes;
Explanation of logo and implications of ecclesiology;
Opportunity to focus on the pillars of the Catechism;
Exploration of faith and opportunity for deepened catechesis.
Catechists re-engaging to support work of catechumenate
Catholic = Universal
Catechists’ Conferences to pass down ideas and reflections;
Retreat experience for Catechumens to reflect on what the Year of Mercy affords us as members of the Church;
Reading mercy in the light of Luke’s Gospel;
Encountering the mercy of God in the liturgy;
A deepened opportunity to reflect on the power of God’s mercy through the Church;
Encouragement of Catechumens to encounter God’s mercy in their lived experience.